Car Accident Lawyer
There are many different circumstances that can contribute to car accidents. You have a one in five chance of getting into an accident each time you get into a vehicle. Typically a car accident is stressful and the aftermath of a car wreck can compound that stress. The more damage, medical bills, and lost wages you have, the more stressful things can easily become.
While some car accidents aren’t avoidable, the vast majority of them are. This is why knowing the leading reasons for car accidents can help you avoid one.
Distracted Driving
Without a doubt, the number one cause of car accidents is distracted driving. A distracted driver doesn’t have their full attention on the road. Looking at your phone, paying attention to other passengers, or even eating are all examples of distracted driving. When you get behind the wheel your only job is to get to your destination safely. Many people think they can multitask but the truth is, you can’t.
We’ve all had drivers speed past us on the highway, even if we aren’t doing the speed limit ourselves. It is not unusual for people to drive 10 to 20 miles over the posted speed limit. You should keep in mind that the faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be. If you need to prevent an accident while driving too fast, the chances are that you won’t prevent the accident in the first place.
Drunk Driving
Anyone who gets behind the wheel is a danger to themselves and others when they do so after drinking. When you drink your senses and cognitive functions are dulled. This means your reaction times are slowed and your decision-making capabilities are compromised.
Reckless Driving
Weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, and cutting other drivers off are all examples of reckless driving. They can cause severe accidents because these often happen at high speeds. If you see someone driving like this, you should slow down and back off. There is nothing you can do to make the driver act safely and so you should protect yourself and the other passengers in your car.
Inclement Weather
Rain, snow, and other rough weather can create hazardous conditions for driving. Water creates slick roadways, especially if it is the first rain in a while. The water on the road can cause your car to slip and slide without warning. If you are stuck in a rainstorm you should drive extra carefully. Even if you think your tires are sticking to the road, the chances are that they aren’t. Go slow and avoid slamming on the breaks.
If you or a loved one have been in a car accident then don’t hesitate to reach out to a car accident attorney Los Angeles like our friends at Glotzer & Leib, LLP for more information about what they can do for you or aks them any questions that you may have.